another relatively quiet day. lots of play, too much eating and a couple of naps for everyone today.
for those of you curious as to what my current neighborhood looks like, i've added a couple of photos of our surroundings.
the hotel is about 20 minutes from the city, in the middle of a small residential area. There are some really big houses and a HUGE private school - all surrounded by very high (20+feet at some points) fences. So, all you can really see are rooftops and a couple of tall windows.
There is a train line behind the hotel that goes into town, but I havent been confident enough to take it yet. Normally while traveling I dont have an issue with public transport, but not being able to read the lettering here is really daunting and I've let it hold me back.
about a 5 minute walk from the hotel is a small grocery store and what I think is a restaurant or bar. The store has three short aisles, maybe 15 feet long, tops. a little dairy, a little chocolate, some snack food (BACON PRINGLES!) and a whole lotta alcohol. hundreds of bottles of booze on the wall. Today I bought a couple of large chocolate bars, three bottles of vodka, a box of wine, a ramen bowl, crab flavored rice crisps and a little kinder bar for a grand total of 700 rubles.
700 = about 21 dollars. not too shabby at all.
Kate, our translator from last visit was supposed to come for a visit tonight, but wasnt able to make it. hopefully she'll be free tomorrow to come have dinner. She's a nice girl with a great future, and I really look forward to seeing her again.
The door on the left is the entrance to the market -I dont know what the door on the right is.
bbq restaurant
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