Tuesday, October 21, 2008

russia, day 2

up early today to go to the ministry of education department to get official permission to visit vladimir.
the MOE is in the city center, about 20 miles from the hotel, but due to the crazy amount of traffic, construction and
the fact that there is NO traffic control devices, it took about an hour to get there.

signed the paper work... then back through the traffic and then maybe another 40 minute drive to the country.
picked up a social worker, then drove to the baby hospital.

we spent about 30 minutes meeting the boy, then took a break. after some discussion we went back into the hospital for
another 30 minutes to discuss some other options. thats all I really feel comfortable saying about what happened today. I'll leave the rest for Amy to share. I will say, however, that everything happens for a reason, and you know when things are meant to be.

drove back to Vladivostok, where I opted to take a break here at the hotel. Amy has gone back downtown with our coordinators to fill out some paperwork. I know she's anxious to get back and update her people about today.

tonights plan is to chill at the hotel and catch up with the other families to see how their day went. Sarah and her husband were meeting their baby for the first time today too, so there will be a lot to talk about over dinner (and vodka!)

tomorrow if time allows we'll do a city tour. I havent had the opportunity to take any photos other than from the car window.
the buildings here are very old and in poor repair, but they are beautiful to see. I have been so comfortable and at ease the
whole time we've been in the country, its a good feeling.

more later

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