Wednesday, May 1, 2013
(rabbit rabbit)
Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Unlike in the US or other countries I've been to, medication here is available without prescription and easy to purchase. I've always had a "delicate" tummy, but after my bout with peruvian parasites a few years ago things have a tendency to go south quickly for me. Normally we stock up on basics meds before going on any trip, including Cipro, which acts as a pretty quick cure for diarrhea. Unfortunately for me, I've had a lingering issue and the Cipro isn't working its magic. So, I stopped in to the fancy, clean pharmacy to see what other options I had.
Now, everyone who knows me knows that I don't embarrass or get offended easily, but there are some things I prefer to keep on the down low amongst strangers. Especially the health of my digestive system...
Me to young, petite cambodian pharmacist: Hi, I seem to have some stomach problems and I wondered...
So much for patient privacy.
I slink up to the register, sweating profusely from a combination of embarrassment and intestinal distress, and pay for what I hope will be a life saving cure of Immodium.
pray for me...
Outside of that, things are still really good here. Its hot, 90-100f every day, but we are adjusting to it well.
Our friend Chanthy is coming up from Phnom Penh this weekend to visit. We haven't seen her since we were here in November, so we have a lot of catching up to do. Very excited.